Roof Ice Dam Prevention Guide

Prevent roof ice dams

When winter comes around, it can wreak havoc on your roof. Snow accumulation can put excess weight on the roof’s structure, making it vulnerable to damage or collapse. And that’s not the only threat lurking above your head. Ice dams can be just as damaging to your property’s roof and other structures, including walls, ceilings, and insulation.

In this article, Brava Roof Tile defines what an ice dam is and provides several helpful tips to stop them from forming. If you live in a snowy climate, protecting your home from roof ice dams is critical.

What Is a Roof Ice Dam?

roof ice dams on residential home

A roof ice dam is the result of snow that has accumulated on the roof melts during higher daytime temperatures and then freezes again when temperatures plummet at night.

What typically ends up happening is that the snow on the edge of the roof remains while other portions of the roof heat up to above freezing, causing melting. However, the melting does not occur to the extent that all of the snow turns to water and drips from the roof. Instead, only certain sections of the roof will heat up enough to melt snow. The water then gets trapped and freezes again as temperatures drop.

When this cycle continues, the water that melts can begin to creep under shingles and cause significant damage to your ceilings and walls.

Often, the biggest cause of a roof ice dam is when you heat the interior of your home, and the warm air escapes from the attic or ceiling, leading to warmer areas of the roof. As the water melts and refreezes, it can result in a ridge of ice, referred to as a roof ice dam.

Signs of Roof Ice Dams

Any time you have snow accumulation on your roof, you are at risk for having an ice dam. Roof ice dam prevention requires removing snow from your roof as soon as possible, and it’s also a good idea to take additional precautions as outlined below.

If you suspect that you have a roof ice dam, you can look for the following symptoms:

  • Visible icicles on the surface of the roof

  • Icicles hanging from the roof

  • Ice accumulating in gutters

  • Water stains on interior walls or ceilings

  • Water leaks inside of the home

How To Prevent a Roof Ice Dam From Forming

How To Prevent a Roof Ice Dam From Forming

Protecting your property begins with the roof, and the good news is that there are several things you can do to prevent an ice dam from forming in the first place.

  1. Keep your gutters and downspouts free of debris. This means regularly cleaning them and removing leaves, sticks, and other objects that shouldn’t be there. During colder months, take additional winter maintenance precautions to remove ice and icicles in a timely manner.

  2. Prevent snow accumulation on your roof. This tip can be easier said than done, but there are tools that make this task manageable. Specifically, a device called a roof rake can be used that allows you to remove snow from the roof without leaving the ground, thanks to an extra-long handle.

    Other more advanced options, such as snow guards, adhesive ice-and-water barriers, can also be installed.

  3. Use appropriate attic insulation. Attic insulation should have an R-value of at least R-30, and it’s recommended to have an R-value of R-38 in colder climates. The reason that proper attic insulation is so important is that it can prevent the heat from escaping from the home, which can contribute to the continuous melting ice cycle that forms ice dams.

    The key is to keep the attic and roof as cool as possible in a uniform way. This prevents warmer spots from allowing snow to melt and refreeze.

  4. Optimize attic ventilation. In addition to insulating attics, having adequate ventilation is also necessary for roof ice dam prevention. The effect of proper ventilation keeps the attic air cool by flushing out the warm air that can accumulate as heat rises from HVAC systems. When it comes to attic ventilation, the general rule is that more is always better.

    A professional roofing contractor can inspect your attic and roof and make the proper recommendations.

  5. Install the right roofing materials. Colder climates may require more robust materials that resist moisture. Choosing the right roofing material that can withstand winter freeze cycles is of the utmost importance. For example, all of Brava Roof Tile’s offerings are closed cell. This means that very little, if any, water can be absorbed, so it eliminates the freeze/thaw cycle effects.

    This solution also works year-round to protect against mold, mildew, and lichen growth, which can drastically reduce roof maintenance expenses.

Roof Ice Dam Prevention Starts With Top-Notch Roofing Materials

brava roof tile with snow guards

By following the recommendations in Brava Roof Tile's roof ice dam prevention guide, you can protect the longevity of your roof and prevent further damage from occurring at your home or commercial property.

Brava Roof Tile proudly manufactures synthetic roofing materials made from recycled plastic and other sustainable materials. We offer a wide selection of options, including synthetic cedar shake, slate, and Spanish barrel tile.

To learn more about Brava Roof Tile, request a sample online or contact us get a quote!